Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Rules..

Our modern lives are based around the rules. They are created to make order, because with no order we would all act naturally as we would in our natural habitat thousands of years ago. Naturally it would be impossible for us to live in giant societies as we do today, we would rather live in smaller communities where all members of the community are doing their part to benefit the whole community. We would also only reproduce if we are healthy compatible partners which would result in a healthy society, but It would be wrong to discriminate those who are guaranteed to have retarded children if they reproduce. They just like the rest of us have right to children. That is the rule!


We are all equal. Women are equal to men, people who work are equal to those who don’t. People who care about society and those who exploit it are equal. Why? Why are we all equal? A tall ripped Russian 30yo man and an African 240pound female midget  with one arm are equal. If u have a business and are hiring u would be considered racist/chauvinist/heightis/limbist  if u give the job to the Russian guy, because they are equal. That automatically means they are not equal since if u gave the girl that job u wouldn’t  be discriminating the Russian. That is the way this rule works, but isn’t that a discrimination itself? U are discriminating a person because he is healthy, has all limbs and is white.

Believe me I am not a racist, but discrimination is a natural thing, you can’t tell me two persons described before are equal because they are not equal, and no one should consider them to be equal, but rather we should try to help everyone accordingly to adopt to the life in our society. If a person is black and healthy they would need less help than a retarder white person.
We shouldn’t punish racism, we should punish all crimes regardless if the victim was black or white (we are all equal aren’t we). It is time to start appreciating people for what they are and what they can do, and that is impossible as long as we are all considered equal. Except if we for instance smoke marijuana, in that case we need to be removed from society at once! Unless it is medical marijuana used by our equal friends with equal rights, they can smoke it. It’s good for them but very bad for, equal, healthy people.


People decided some things are legal and other not. Weather something is legal or not has nothing to do with its effects or possible effects on an individual or society.
  • Marijuana is an obvious example, marijuana and alcohol. One illegal, another legal. You would naturally presume the legal one is harmless compared to the illegal one. Yet it is not the case. So why is it so? Why is it legal to drink yourself to death and it is not legal to smoke a plant that with no harmful effects? It is legal to smoke tobacco that almost certainly leads to an early death. We should have by now tested the notorious plant and see the results and based on that decide whether it should be legal or not, rather than on our superstitions that ‘all drugs are bad’.
  • Antibiotics – Doctors proscription is the only way to get antibiotics. The reason is, if u take antibiotics all the time your organism becomes immune to them and once u really need them they would have no effect. Yet if u do take them, they do not cause any sort of a ‘high’ or addiction, basically no one would ever have any reason to take them unless they think they need them. You would have to be constantly sick and take antibiotics for months without results and still keep taking them without seeing a doctor in order for them to cause  negative effect. That I find very unlikely. Since if you could buy them u would still have to consult a pharmacist and u would definitely be aware of their effects.  On the other hand it is perfectly legal to buy alcohol or petrol if u like and drink it – perfectly legal.
We should base our society on education rather than ‘that’s the law, its just the way it is, u must follow it’ rule we are going by now. With educational approach our laws would change as people would question them and once proven stupid we can change them. Don’t you think changing a law based on research and knowledge is a great improvement for our civilisation? Don’t you think laws that were set decades ago or even hundreds of years ago could be unsuitable for our civilisation now? Couldn’t we have been wrong before? Does that mean we haven’t matured at all since the laws were set? We have to start moving forward as a society and species, and the only way to that is to encourage ourselves to think outside of the box, only then we could control the rules and laws rather them letting them control us


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