Thursday 27 February 2014


Throught my life i was wondering why. Why is the greatest question anyone can ask about anything. How, who, where... those are simple questions, often easily answered. But 'why' is often unanswered.

What do I mean?
Why am i writing this blog? Why are you reading it? Why did i chose this topic? Why do you agree / disagree with me? Why is it that depression, poverty, sickness, meaningless and general 'situational fucked-upness is taking over the world in such an alarming rate? Lets find out.

WHY am writing all this? Because everything about how society or human brain works you have learned in school or from your parents or on TV is either wrong, or if wright is really diluted superficial information that is compleately meaningless in any atemnt to really understand the topic.

The only way to understan society, human brain, sociology, psychology, history, progression and allmost all aspects of the world really, including the future, is this. You must start from now. If u start from the future you are starting from something that doesnt exist, so you are basing everything on something that doesnt exist. Same with the past, the past doesnt exist either.

You would have start at now and work your way back through the time very carefully and in detail. Only if u start from now and go back through time can u really apreciate the changes that have happened, and only than you can understand the society and everything else of any given time.

But there is so many societies! Which one do we follow back through time? 
The answer is simple. All of them. The fact there are differences in our world today is a huge tool to understanding how societies work as we can comapre them. We also compare them through time so it is an amazing way of understanding human brain as well as society. now i dont have time to explain the whole history and the possible futures ahead of us but i tought it might be important to know this is how you understand (learning is not a way to understand, it is a way to pass a test or look smart)

So there you have it. that answers how to understand the world of an individual and one of the society. It is not as complicatet as you would think. As i said, how is an easy question


Why am i writing this blog? Why are you reading it? Why did i chose this topic? Why do you agree / disagree with me? Why is it that depression, poverty, sickness, meaningless and general 'situational fucked-upness is taking over the world in such an alarming rate? Lets find out.

 It would be incorrect (well.. it would be moronicly retardet) to look at the worlds problems separately. WHY? Because every aspect of ones life is what makes the world what it is. You can not say someone is depressed over a single event (by all means, there are events that can be devastating. we are just not focusing on those at the moment)
WHY NOT? It is more likely that event was 'the last drop' but even more logical would be that that event doesnt have to be the last drop. It could just be 'embodyment' of all the factors (not all, mind you, but all of the sort) that lead to the depression.

Same mistake would be (and is), for example, focusing on and teching about medical needs in underprivilaged countries.
WHY? Because if you have a society that is struggling on all levels. Society that is stricken with desease, hunger, poverty, homelesness, repression, slavory..etc..etc.. Why would you focus on medicine?
WHY NOT? It is important we (or at least those with power, resources, time, responsibility, agenda.. other means of influence) understand the whole society before we judge what is wrong with it and what needs to be fixed and how (and is it our place to get invloved in the first place) With no drinking water, no shelter, no food, no hope, the medicine can do very little, infact it is often a waste of resources  (much like pshichiatric treatments for depression and similar conditions).

 Lets focus on society first as it is easier to relate to (yes, it is easier to relate to not yourself than it is to yourelf) How can we understand society? The only way to understand it (much like anything else is to start from the basics and build on that. These are the basics of society. There are members of society, needs of the  society and resources available. And at any given point any of the three paramaeters can change. For example, members can restructure organisation of society, the resources available can obviously be exploited or new ones found etc. The needs is what we need to talk about.

What do we need? We dont need any of the things we 'cant't live without' today. All we need as individuals is food and water (and no, i didn't overlook oxygen or gravity or sun...) So what do we need as society? We need individuals, food and water. That is it, that is a society.

TO BE CONTINUED..............

Wednesday 26 February 2014



Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone claims something happened in certain detail yet you know for a fact that is not how it happened? What do I mean? If you get in an argument with your partner, friend or anyone else and they insist you said something or they said something and you know with a 100% certainty it was not like that. This happens ALL THE TIME. Why? Is everione else a liar? Is everyones memory so much worse than yours? Based on the way human brain works the only solution to this is either of the above, there is no other logical conclusion.

But we know now that the ways we store information in our brains is not really as precise as it seams. We know that our momory is not exact science as it would be, for example, computer memory, or to make it more simple writing. When we have information written down it is exactly what it is, it is not subject to opinion, right?
John saw the man on the mountain with a telescope.
Who has the telescope? John, the man on the mountain, or the mountain?
Flying planes can be dangerous.
Either the act of flying planes is dangerous, or planes that are flying are dangerous.
The word of the Lord came to Zechariah, son of Berekiah, son of Iddo, the prophet.
Is the prophet Zechariah or Iddo?
 So what happens in our brain when we read one of those sentances? W don't store the exact sentance that we can later revise and see different meanings. We only store the information we get from it, and roughly so. After reading the first example sentance you will either store information that there was a man on a mountain and you would be 100% certain of it because John saw it himself with the telescope. Or you will know there was a man on the mountain with the telescope and u know it with 100% certainty because John saw him.

Imagine an argument now between the two people who got the sentance in two different ways. The question is did the man on the mountain have a telescope. One person (person A) will be convinced the man had a telescope and the other (person B) will be sure he didnt. So who is wright? Did the man have a telescope?

That sentance, the information both man are basing their convictions on, does not conclude weather the man had a telescope. Infact it doesnt even conclude there was a man on the mountain at all! Maybe john saw something (with his telescope) and taught it was a man, or maybe he saw something (without telescope) that looked like a man with a telescope.

So where does the PUT (Personal Universe Theory) come in?
The simplest way of explaining PUT is that in person A-s universe there was a man on the mountain with a telescope and John saw him. Where as in person b-s universe there was a man on the mountain and John saw him through his telescope. In my own universe, for example, there was no man on the mountain, there was no telescope, John doesn't exist, and even the mountain itself doesnt exist.

Other example would be if person A and person B saw the same movie and while talking about it they start arguing weather something happened before or after something else, or was the bad guy actually brother of the good guy. Those arguments can be settled by wacthing the movie again (or googling it or something) but untill it is resolved in each persons universe the story was set and they are suprised if it turns out to be different.

Unfortunately in most real life arguments (did the wife tell you about this meeting or not) there is no way to find out for sure what exactly happened and both parties maintain their side of the story as they both know they're wright and are certain of it.

Why do we spend so much time fighting over who is wright? Because we are so certain we are wright we have a need to enlighten the other person. We presume that in an argument where we know we are wright and the other party claims something different (even opposite), the other person must be wrong.

Opposite of wright has to be wrong.
Cant argue with that. So opposite of 'our wirght' has to be 'our wrong'. If in our own Personal Universe something is wright, opposite of that is, infact, wrong in that sam universe (but not the universe of the other person). Therefore, two different (opposite) opinions on a subject that can not be conclusivly defined can, infact, both be wright (in their respective universes)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Rules..

Our modern lives are based around the rules. They are created to make order, because with no order we would all act naturally as we would in our natural habitat thousands of years ago. Naturally it would be impossible for us to live in giant societies as we do today, we would rather live in smaller communities where all members of the community are doing their part to benefit the whole community. We would also only reproduce if we are healthy compatible partners which would result in a healthy society, but It would be wrong to discriminate those who are guaranteed to have retarded children if they reproduce. They just like the rest of us have right to children. That is the rule!


We are all equal. Women are equal to men, people who work are equal to those who don’t. People who care about society and those who exploit it are equal. Why? Why are we all equal? A tall ripped Russian 30yo man and an African 240pound female midget  with one arm are equal. If u have a business and are hiring u would be considered racist/chauvinist/heightis/limbist  if u give the job to the Russian guy, because they are equal. That automatically means they are not equal since if u gave the girl that job u wouldn’t  be discriminating the Russian. That is the way this rule works, but isn’t that a discrimination itself? U are discriminating a person because he is healthy, has all limbs and is white.

Believe me I am not a racist, but discrimination is a natural thing, you can’t tell me two persons described before are equal because they are not equal, and no one should consider them to be equal, but rather we should try to help everyone accordingly to adopt to the life in our society. If a person is black and healthy they would need less help than a retarder white person.
We shouldn’t punish racism, we should punish all crimes regardless if the victim was black or white (we are all equal aren’t we). It is time to start appreciating people for what they are and what they can do, and that is impossible as long as we are all considered equal. Except if we for instance smoke marijuana, in that case we need to be removed from society at once! Unless it is medical marijuana used by our equal friends with equal rights, they can smoke it. It’s good for them but very bad for, equal, healthy people.


People decided some things are legal and other not. Weather something is legal or not has nothing to do with its effects or possible effects on an individual or society.
  • Marijuana is an obvious example, marijuana and alcohol. One illegal, another legal. You would naturally presume the legal one is harmless compared to the illegal one. Yet it is not the case. So why is it so? Why is it legal to drink yourself to death and it is not legal to smoke a plant that with no harmful effects? It is legal to smoke tobacco that almost certainly leads to an early death. We should have by now tested the notorious plant and see the results and based on that decide whether it should be legal or not, rather than on our superstitions that ‘all drugs are bad’.
  • Antibiotics – Doctors proscription is the only way to get antibiotics. The reason is, if u take antibiotics all the time your organism becomes immune to them and once u really need them they would have no effect. Yet if u do take them, they do not cause any sort of a ‘high’ or addiction, basically no one would ever have any reason to take them unless they think they need them. You would have to be constantly sick and take antibiotics for months without results and still keep taking them without seeing a doctor in order for them to cause  negative effect. That I find very unlikely. Since if you could buy them u would still have to consult a pharmacist and u would definitely be aware of their effects.  On the other hand it is perfectly legal to buy alcohol or petrol if u like and drink it – perfectly legal.
We should base our society on education rather than ‘that’s the law, its just the way it is, u must follow it’ rule we are going by now. With educational approach our laws would change as people would question them and once proven stupid we can change them. Don’t you think changing a law based on research and knowledge is a great improvement for our civilisation? Don’t you think laws that were set decades ago or even hundreds of years ago could be unsuitable for our civilisation now? Couldn’t we have been wrong before? Does that mean we haven’t matured at all since the laws were set? We have to start moving forward as a society and species, and the only way to that is to encourage ourselves to think outside of the box, only then we could control the rules and laws rather them letting them control us

Monday 16 May 2011


Science has completely lost the point. It seems people are not yet evolved enough to comprehend science. We see science far more complicated that we should, often we overlook the common sense in order to find a scientific, complicated, and often un concluded theories.
  • Time travel - Is it possible that people still think time travel is possible? Is it true that our knowledge of physics doesn’t rule out any sort of time travel? To travel through time we would have to jump from one point in time to the other. Time is a dimension, how can something skip from one place in a dimension to another? Why don’t we think we can jump through space the same way, by simply ceasing to exist in one place and emerging in the other? 
  • Parallel universes - The theory of parallel universes.. This I will never get over. The theory is there is an infinite number of parallel universes that exist at a same time and the same place and do not come in any sort of contact with the other universes and there is a separate universe for every possible scenario that could ever have played out regardless weather it is possible or not since just because it is not possible in our universe, it might be possible in respective parallel universe. And that, my friends, is not science. That is bullshit; you can’t have a scientific theory represented by physicists who claim there are no rules of physics at all, but rather coincidental rules that just happen to exist in our universe. This theory is insane, it represents 'random' as a basic and only rule responsible for everything
  • Random - It is not the basic rule of anything, in fact random does not exist at all. Random means that something happens for no reason at all, it just did, yet one of the basic rules of physics states that every action causes an equal reaction. If someone told you to say a random number, the number you would say will not be a random number, that number would have been predetermined by our genetic code and all the experiences in your life till that point. A car doesn’t run you over because it randomly happened, it happened because you were on a certain time and place and in certain condition which allowed the moving vehicle that was in that time and place and certain condition, the driver might have looked away, maybe he died of heart attack, or his brakes failed, but certainly wasn’t random. 
  • RANDOM DOES NOT, AND CAN NOT EXIST therefore parallel universes can’t exist either because the only possible scenario is played out in our universe, because everything happens for a reason, and parallel universes can not exist unless everything was based on 'random'
Those are just the most obvious things, you don’t need to be a scientist to understand, yet scientist still claim they’re not the way they are. Why? Could Stephen Hawking possibly believe in something that clearly makes no sense, after a lifetime of studying that very thing? I think not. I don’t know why he claims he does, maybe just because he can, people believe him, don’t they? I don’t blame him, I blame us for taking things like that for granted even though they make no sense what so ever.

Those are just the very basics of understanding our existence and existence of everything around us. Thousands of years of our awareness and trying to figure out the existence and we still don’t have those basics cleared. Makes you wonder, if we can’t understand those very basics, how could we ever understand the full potential of our species, of our technological limits. The technology is already way ahead of us, and it is getting hard to keep track of it. Only the knowledge we are now capable of, combined with technology we already know could give us unimaginable results, yet we are not even trying to figure it out, we are just trying to develop more new technologies whilst we are only upgrading technologies we already have.

Maybe I am wrong. My credentials are clearly nothing compared to the reputation of one Stephen Hawking, and you are wright to presume he is right and I am wrong. But don’t you think we deserve evidence before we accept a ridiculous theory that makes no sense? 
When Dr. Hawking claims information from material that gets sucked in to a black hole simply disappears, and is challenged by other scientist because one of our very principals of science is that it is impossible for information to disappear, his answer is that information didn’t disappear, but still exists in parallel universes, we should just accept it with absolutely no proof? When we can say with a 100% certainty the parallel universe theory doesn't exist because it is simply impossible?

We need to open our eyes, and question the world around us, rather than focusing on sole survival in this unnatural habitat.


Sunday 15 May 2011

I decided to write...

It wasn't as easy to start writing as it seamed, i have to say. But I finally did so I will guide you through some basics steps I had to take in order to do so.

  1.  Birth - This is a crucial step for any future writer, if u haven't been born yet, I strongly advise you to do so before you consider becoming a serious writer
  2. Learn how to write - This is the make it or brake it step of your career as a writer. The statistics show that over 90% of writer throughout the world know how to write
  3. Choose your strategy - This step, even tho not as important as steps 1 and 2, is a lot more complicated. After trying out several strategies myself, including the typewriter, pen-on-paper style and typing on a PC, i have concluded the last method is the best one to use
  4. Write - Once you get this far, it only gets worse, now you have to do some actual work and believe me, if birth or learning how to write didn't discourage you, this probably will. 
In order to complete the 4 steps crucial for writing u will need a certain set of skills (aka the Talent)
  1. Boring life - Having a life and writing simply don't go together (little or no sex is crucial)
  2. Inner peace - Tho it is possible to write with inner peace it only applies to spiritual writing
  3. Insomnia - Experts say insomnia is 50% of a writer
  4. The reason - Not all people with boring lives, no sex, inner peace and ability to sleep write. On top of all that u still need a reason. Forementioned are explanations of why one writes rather than a reason
Whats the reason i write? 
  • Its simple. I write because I have a boring life (Yes, it does get boring being awesome and drink and smoke and gamble and party all the time), I am in a long distance relationship (Don't ask me how I got into it, I've been trying to figure it out for ages) therefore sex is not an everyday thing these days (Unlike drinking, smoking, gambling and partying), I have no inner peace, not because of myself but because of the whole world we live in, I think its horrible how bad we are doing as a species, considering all the resources and technology we have at our disposal. And last but not the least, I haven't worked in the last few days and was drinking, smoking, gambling and partying most of the time and I cant sleep right now. Having to work tomorrow morning, I am trying to go back to normal so am done with at least drinking and partying for now.
  • Reason - I would like to express myself, but not like stupid people, but because I have no time to change the world politics for the better because RL (Real Life) work, drinking, smoking, gambling and constant sex consume most of my time. If I was able to sleep at night, i would have no time for writing or even food

  • My forst blog entry - Boring. It was boring as hell. But I do believe it is due to trying to spell right (the capital 'I's are a pain) and trying not to swear and generaly holding myself back. I do not intend to continue with this practice in my future entries
  • This blob(g) wont be about writing or anything like that. In this blog i will write what I feel like writting, knowing myself it should be mostly houmoristic, somewhat sarcastic wievs of pretty much anything I can think of
  • If there is any suggestions about topics people would like to read about, do mail me (or whatever it is people do on blogs to comunicate) and i promise if i choose ur topic u will enjoy reading about it